Basic black wood pawn with basic armor and shield.
Basic white wood pawn with basic armor and shield.
Common black stone pawn with stylized legendary armor and diamond-studded pedestal.
Common white stone pawn with stylized legendary armor and diamond-studded pedestal.
Epic black gold pawn with stylized legendary armor and shield and diamond-studded pedestal.
Epic white gold pawn with stylized legendary armor and shield and diamond-studded pedestal.
Legendary white pawn decorated with diamonds and gold, with stylized armor and shield and diamond-studded pedestal.
Basic black wooden knight without armor and basic piedestal.
Basic white wooden knight without armor and basic piedestal.
Common black stone knight with stylized legendary armor and diamond-studded pedestal.
Common white stone knight with stylized legendary armor and diamond-studded pedestal.
Epic black gold knight with stylized legendary armor and diamond-studded pedestal.
Epic white gold knight with stylized legendary armor and diamond-studded pedestal.
Legendary white knight decorated with diamonds and gold, with stylized armor and diamond-studded pedestal.
Basic black wooden rook without armor and basic pedestal.
Basic white wooden rook without armor and basic pedestal.
Common black stone rook with imposing stylized legendary armor and diamond-studded pedestal.
Common white stone rook with imposing stylized legendary armor and diamond-studded pedestal.
Uncommon white iron rook with imposing stylized legendary armor and diamond-studded pedestal.
Epic black gold rook with imposing stylized armor and diamond-studded pedestal.
Epic white gold rook with imposing stylized armor and diamond-studded pedestal.
Legendary black rook decorated with diamonds and gold, with imposing stylized legendary armor and diamond-studded legendary pedestal.
Legendary white rook decorated with diamonds and gold, with imposing stylized legendary armor and diamond-studded legendary pedestal.
Basic black wooden bishop without cape with basic weapon and basic pedestal.
Basic white wooden bishop without cape with basic weapon and basic pedestal.
Common black stone bishop with legendary diamond cape, weapon and pedestal.
Common white stone bishop with legendary diamond cape, weapon and pedestal.
Uncommon white iron bishop with legendary diamond cape, weapon and pedestal.
Epic black gold bishop with legendary diamond cape, weapon and pedestal.
Epic white gold bishop with legendary diamond cape, weapon and pedestal.
Legendary white bishop decorated with diamonds and gold with stylized legendary cape and diamond-studded legendary pedestal.
Basic black wooden queen without cape and weapon with basic pedestal.
Basic black wooden queen without cape and weapon with basic pedestal.
Common black stone queen with legendary cape and weapon and legendary pedestal.
Common white stone queen with legendary cape and weapon and legendary pedestal.
Epic black gold queen with legendary cape and weapon and legendary pedestal.
Epic white gold queen with legendary cape and weapon and legendary pedestal.
Legendary white queen decorated with diamonds and gold with cape and stylized legendary weapon and a diamond-studded legendary pedestal.
Basic black wooden king without cape with basic weapon and basic pedestal.
Basic black wooden king without cape with basic weapon and basic pedestal.
Common black stone king with legendary cape, stylized legendary weapon and diamond-studded lengendary pedestal.
Common white stone king with legendary cape, stylized legendary weapon and diamond-studded lengendary pedestal.
Epic white gold king with legendary cape, stylized legendary weapon and diamond-studded lengendary pedestal.
Legendary white king decorated with diamonds and gold, with cape and stylized legendary weapon and diamond-studded legendary pedestal.